Elementary Grade Academic Enrichment

We establish strong mastery in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math foundations at the elementary level. Aligned with the common core curriculum, our lessons dive deeper into each content area, teaching students to ask meaningful questions, explore each topic through collaborative learning, and make meaningful connections with different topics  throughout the year. We stimulate critical thinking through the Socratic Method, where we ask students a series of questions to prompt them to explore and deeply think about a concept. For certain topics that require a deep dive for full comprehension, we leverage collaborative work and discussion-based learning to encourage students’ independent thinking and problem solving.

Additionally, we use a variety of game-based activities to build fluency and mastery of specific skills, while consistently spiraling in prior skills to maintain retention of skills. Specifically in Math, students use the computational skills learned and apply them to a variety of word problems and competitive math problems.  Finally, we’ll assess student progress through classwork, homework, and scheduled unit assessments and use the data to inform us how our curriculum should be adjusted to ensure content mastery. 

What our Students and Parents have to say

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