STEM Immersion Camps – Grade 3


STEM Immersion Camps – Grade 3

STEM Summer Camps for Rising 3rd Graders
Choose from 1-Week or 2-Week immersion programs geared towards Rising3rd graders Weeks:  July 8 -12, July 15- 19, July 22 – 26, July 29 – Aug 2, Aug 5 – 9, Aug 12 – 16 All courses will be offered subject to minimum enrollment. The objective of the STEM Immersion Camp (STEMIC) is to provide students hands-on experience with a focus on science, technology, engineering, and math, while also working on inter-disciplinary projects and activities that develops problem solving, organization and critical thinking skills. STEMICs are weeklong programs (available virtually or in person) centered around unique STEM coursework such as Engineering and Robotics. Students can enroll in one or multiple weeks, and can choose from half-day camps. The following are 2 sample schedules – more customization is possible.
Basic Half-Day Schedule (9:00-12:00 PM) Basic Half-Day Schedule (9:00-12:00 PM)
9:00 AM: Drop-off   9:00 – 10:30 AM: Science Projects/Activities (Life, Physical & Earth Science)   10:30 – 10:45AM: Short Recess/Snack Time   10:45 – 12:00 PM: Coding Based STEM Activities (Computer Science Programs)   12:00 PM: Dismissal 9:00 AM: Drop-off   9:00 – 10:30 AM: Literature Circle + Math logic Puzzles   10:30 – 10:45AM: Short Recess/Snack Time   10:45 – 12:00 PM: Coding Based STEM Activities (Computer Science Programs)   12:00 PM: Dismissal
STEM IMMERSION CAMP (STEMIC) - Course Details   COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAMS Our signature Computer Science courses will teach students the basics of programming and how to design and engineer software programs and solutions while exploring alternate methods of problem solving. A hallmark of our program is the use of inter-disciplinary curriculum, such as the blending of math and physical science with computer science. Our approach helps students to learn and understand how programming extends and augments their regular academic curriculum, and that computer science is more than just game development. We teach our students to work through “what-if” hypotheticals and experiment with code to promote curiosity and creative problem solving and critical thinking. We do not believe in an inflexible, cookie-cutter solution where the children just follow a step-by-step tutorial of writing computer code. Finally, and most importantly, we encourage students to take risks, “make mistakes,” and learn from their “failures” –an invaluable personality trait required for the success of every life-long learner!   Beginning Computer Programming – Scratch Level 1:Students will familiarize themselves with key coding concepts using Scratch (a MIT Media Lab software). Scratch provides students with a beginner-friendly environment in which they can create interactive art, visual stories and animations. Students will be exposed to key coding concepts in a visual and creative learning environment. The course will introduce a coding mindset to students to help them analyze problems and deconstruct big projects into smaller, simpler parts. This is the introductory course for students who do not have previous programming experience or familiarity with Scratch. Beginning Computer Programming – Scratch Level 2: This course involves intermediate/advanced computer programming concepts using Scratch.  Students will build on the foundation acquired in Scratch Level 1 and design more advanced games, working through quizzes and challenges, group projects and unplugged activities.   Students will develop complex programming skills, including but not limited to learning about lists, sorting and searching algorithms, data type conversions, and debugging code This course also serves as a prerequisite to learning Python.   SCIENCE- LIFE, PHYSICAL & EARTH SCIENCE: Whether it’s Earth and Space, Physics, Chemistry, or Life Sciences, students at NYC STEM CLUB are actively engaged in the Scientific Method, approaching each new topic in Science as an opportunity to hypothesize and test their understandings. Students will conduct experiments to study topics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science. They will also learn to hypothesize, plan and execute experiments, collect and analyze data, and draw scientific conclusions based on their findings. This course prepares students not only for future science competitions such as Science Olympiad, but also exposes and encourages students to the importance of research and experimentation, two areas that are prioritized by prestigious secondary and higher education institutions.   ENGINEERING: Students engage in the process of Design and Engineering through hands-on, project-based learning. Students will brainstorm, design, build, test, and evaluate their designs in a variety of engineering scenarios; students will also learn to respond, address, and solve real-word obstacles researchers and scientists face, including limitations and constraints on materials, time, and/or cost.  A sampling of Engineering topics are simple machine mechanics (physics), engineering and the human body, the impact of gravity, and the usages of electricity, light and sound.  

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