Regents Prep – Physics, Chemistry, Algebra 1, Geometry and More


Inquire about Group and Private Sessions. Appropriate for Middle And High School Students

In addition to college-levelled coursework, we also offer classes geared towards high school regents examinations.  In addition to indicating whether high school students have successfully learned the skills necessary to matriculate to the next grade, regents scores are also considered as part of the college application process. Our regents instructors will close knowledge gaps left by remote-learning, use materials of high-rigor to challenge students, and help students feel confident in their understanding of their high school classes.

We offer the following classes for regents:

  • High School Language Arts Regents
  • Algebra I Regents
  • Algebra II Regents
  • Geometry Regents
  • Global History and Geography II Regents
  • U.S. History and Government Regents
  • Living Environment Regents
  • Physics Regents
  • Chemistry Regents
  • Earth Science Regents

Courses are offered subject to minimum enrollment

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