Advanced Placement (AP) Courses


AP classes are instrumental for high school students because they are used by college admission offices to assess (whether a student is able to keep up with the rigor of college-levelled courses. However, it is not enough to just do well in the AP class itself. Admission officers also consider AP Exam scores to determine whether a student has successfully acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to later skip such coursework in college. Therefore, students who take a variety of AP courses and score well on the AP exams have a distinct advantage during college admissions.

Students do not need to be in a high school AP class in order to take the exam to receive college credit. Therefore, these classes are beneficial for all students, especially those who are unable to participate in AP classes in their schools. Our expert instructors will teach, reinforce, and fill in any knowledge gaps on topics and principles needed to ace the AP exams. Additionally, because AP exams require substantial amount of writing, we will dedicate part of the coursework to strategize and draft essay responses for potential AP exam prompts.

We offer the following courses:

  • AP Literature
  • AP European History
  • AP American History
  • AP Biology
  • AP Physics
  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • Multi Variable Calculus

Courses are offered subject to minimum enrollment

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